What is Alexa Rank? If you have build blogs or website and browse tutorial, you will found this words "Alexa Rank". Then you will ask " What is Alexa Rank? " Before we talk about it, let's see what company behind it. What is Alexa? Alexa is not only name of girl or woman. Alexa in this case is a company. Its name was chosen in homage to the Library of Alexandria. Alexa was founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. They claiming it would improve internet searching by tracking user decisions and using that data to aid future searches. As Alexa described it in the early the early days: “Alexa is a free advertising-supported Web navigation service providing useful information about the sites you are viewing and suggesting related sites.” In addition, ALEXA was originally an abbreviation for A ddress L ookup EX perts A uthority. Essentially, Alexa is a company that measures web traffic on almost every website on the internet through their increasingly popu...
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