Are you having problems with your computer running slower than it did when you first bought it? Do you encounter your computer constantly freezing, or your games not working well? Here are a few tips to make your computer run faster again.
The first thing which you have to do is trying to run a registry scan for your computer. This registry scan is free and it can help fix all the problems or errors which your computer is encountering.
Your computer will run faster if you have a smaller and error free registry and this can be done with a few mouse clicks. You will be able to find the cause of all your errors and stop them slowing down your computer.
You will also be able to fix windows start up and shut down problems this way.
Before running a registry scan in your computer, you should carry out the following steps first `-to help your computer run faster.
#1 Delete items which you no longer need (programs, files, jpegs, games). This will free up disk space and memory.
#2 Run a full virus scan in your computer to detect viruses and spyware.
#3 Defragment your hard drive. This will arrange all the files in order.
After you have done this run a free registry scan. This will detect any invalid or corrupt registry entries in minutes, the first time you run a registry scan there can be many errors. Fixing these errors will speed up your computer and get rid of any errors with a mouse click.