WGET is Ultimate Downloader. While you can use it simply to retrieve a single file from a server, it is much more powerful than that and offers many more features.One of its features is mirroring website.
Mirroring simply means downloading the entire contents of a Web site and uploading it somewhere else. So, we can make local copy of a website using wget.
The basic command to mirror website is
$ wget -m http://www.example.com
This command will allow you to download website but it can't make a complete local copy of a website. This command only download the page but the links still point to the real URLs including the images and stylesheets.
We have to add another option to make links not point to real URLs. Add option -k after -m
$ wget -m -k http://www.example.com
Now, the links will point to next page in our local copy website.
To delay your download, you can add option -w and how much time that you want to delay it. Because if we delay the mirroring, it can reduce the load of bandwidth of the site.
$ wget -m -k -w 25 http://www.example.com
From command above, -w 25 means we delay it for 25 seconds between requests. We can replace the number depend on our need. We can add suffix for the number like m for minutes, h for ours and d for days.
Now if you want to download your favorite website you can use wget to do that. This wget can be use on Linux, *Nix and Ms Windows
ref : http://fosswire.com
Mirroring simply means downloading the entire contents of a Web site and uploading it somewhere else. So, we can make local copy of a website using wget.
The basic command to mirror website is
$ wget -m http://www.example.com
This command will allow you to download website but it can't make a complete local copy of a website. This command only download the page but the links still point to the real URLs including the images and stylesheets.
We have to add another option to make links not point to real URLs. Add option -k after -m
$ wget -m -k http://www.example.com
Now, the links will point to next page in our local copy website.
To delay your download, you can add option -w and how much time that you want to delay it. Because if we delay the mirroring, it can reduce the load of bandwidth of the site.
$ wget -m -k -w 25 http://www.example.com
From command above, -w 25 means we delay it for 25 seconds between requests. We can replace the number depend on our need. We can add suffix for the number like m for minutes, h for ours and d for days.
Now if you want to download your favorite website you can use wget to do that. This wget can be use on Linux, *Nix and Ms Windows
ref : http://fosswire.com