Get money by ask question to another people is possible. It can be done via Pickjack. Pickjack is a website that will give some money to people who join them answer questions and then make question on that site. More question more money you got.
If you have complete fill the form click submit. Then open your email that you use for register. Click link activate that they send to you. Next step, login to your account in pickjact by fill your email and password in input box.
Now, you can answer and make questions. Remember, to make one question you have answer 20 question correctly first.
Get money by ask question on pickjack.
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Now, what should we do to join them. It is easy. First, go to their website using this link and register. After that fill the form. You have to remember the email that you used must be register in paypal too. Because they will send your money via paypal.
If you have complete fill the form click submit. Then open your email that you use for register. Click link activate that they send to you. Next step, login to your account in pickjact by fill your email and password in input box.
Now, you can answer and make questions. Remember, to make one question you have answer 20 question correctly first.
Get money by ask question on pickjack.
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