Install and using centos as server or workstation is easy. But if you need guide to deployment and installation, you can download pdf or read it online from centos documentation. Documentation for centos 5 share form centos on their website or click here.
Also from the link, you can read how to make virtualization using centos. If you interest with cluster or device mapper, centos provide the guide too. So, don't wait too long. Download, read and practice the guide. Don't be surprised, if you open the website, the title of pages is RHEL documentation. Cause, as you know, centos is build like RHEL. But, centos have not affiliate with RHEL, and not supported by RHEL.
Centos 2 Documentation
Centos 3 Documentation
Centos 4 Documentation
Centos 5 Documentation
Also from the link, you can read how to make virtualization using centos. If you interest with cluster or device mapper, centos provide the guide too. So, don't wait too long. Download, read and practice the guide. Don't be surprised, if you open the website, the title of pages is RHEL documentation. Cause, as you know, centos is build like RHEL. But, centos have not affiliate with RHEL, and not supported by RHEL.
Centos 2 Documentation
Centos 3 Documentation
Centos 4 Documentation
Centos 5 Documentation